Frill Canary Club


 October 2019


 Following last year’s very successful show with an entry of 96 Frills, out of almost 200 Old and Rare Varieties, the Frill Canary Club, will also for this year team up with the South Bucks Canary Breeders Association Open Show, for their 28th Anniversary Club Show.

The most popular frills were the North Frills and the Fiorino with 30 entries each followed by the Parisian frill with 15, Giboso 10, Melado 6 and Padovan Frill 5.

 The show will take place on Saturday 16 November 2019 and will be judged by Antonio Percannella OMJ from Venice, Italy one of the top and very experienced Frill Canary Judge.

 Being the 28th anniversary of the club, there will the following prizes:

 £50.00 for Best Frill Canary

£30.00 for Second Best Frill Canary

£20.00 for Third Best Frill Canary

 Gold Medal, Diploma and Very Large Rosette for Best Parisian Frill,

Best North Frill, Best Fiorino, Best Giboso, Best AGI, Best Padovan,

Best Mehringer, Best South Frill, Beast Gibber,

Best Melado, Best Rogetto, and Best Junior

Silver Medal for Second Best, Bronze Medal for Third Best

On all above sections

Rosettes for Best, Second Best and Third Best Frill donated by the IOA



This year I was honoured to be appointed to judge at the Canadian Posture Canaries Show in Toronto, Canada, on the first week of November.

The rest of November is going to be extremely busy for me, as soon as I am back from Canada, on the  7th of November will be off to South Korea to judge their National Show, and a few days later, there will be our club show, followed 2 days later by a trip to Reggio Emilia, Italy, where I will be judging their International show.

 The frill Club has now a new committee for the next 3 years, members are: Kevin McCallum, Bo Pawlyszyn, Fernando Canada, and me as administrator.

Time permitting, we would like to have an informal meeting at the club show, all welcome to attend.

Simon Tammam, 396 Ashley Road, Poole, Dorset BH14 0AA

Phone: 07768 285 713

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